Books Needed – Love on a Leash – Paws to Read

San Diego Inland Love on a Leash is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization with teams of handlers and their pets who volunteer their time and love to members of our community. Therapy pet and their owners visits hospitals, hopsices, senior health centers, libraries, schools, etc to comfort those in need, promote reading to children and many other activities. I encourage you to take a look at their page, feel free to click on the name.

Two dear to my heart therapy dogs, Rockey and Sissy and their amazing Mom and Dad  volunteer at YWCA Becky’s House an emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence. The Paws to Read Program there has been a great success. They would like to give books to the children. They are looking for donated books for all ages, Spanish or English. So I’m reaching out to the JenLovesPets family and friends!

Do you have any children books in Spanish or English, all ages? Are you ready to clear the shelves for more books? Please contact me! I would love to swing by and pick them up and deliver them to Rockey and Sissy.  Help me spread the word for donated books please, if you aren’t able to donate and know someone who can share this with them. Feel free to share this request with all in San Diego so we can help get those books!

Call me: 858.205.8132


PS. The chocolate Labrador in the top picture is Rockey and this one is Bullwinkle who watches over all activities from the Rainbow Bridge. Pictures credit: Hannah and Dan, their Mom and Dad =)




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