Will you stop by my house so I can show you around and meet my pet?
JenLovesPets requires a (30 minute) Meet N Greet to ensure we’re all on the same page. As the business owner I like to have a detailed phone discussion to go over the specifics you’re looking for. I’ll be asking questions about you, your fur babies, and will explain our procedures. Once it’s confirmed you’re ready to book JenLovesPets as your professional pet sitting/dog walking company I’ll ask you to register online and pay the $20 Deposit.
As of this writing, JenLovesPets is the only pet sitting and dog walking company in our area that requires a $20 deposit for the Meet N Greet. This goes towards your first service as long as it or the meet n greet is not canceled or rescheduled.
Why a deposit?
Great question! And as a solo sitter I did offer free meet n greets but as a business owner and leader to my employees I decided to make sure they’re paid for their time IF something were to happen and you need to cancel/reschedule. Their time is valuable to us.
Once the registration is completed and the deposit is paid we’ll confirm a time to meet.
Where do we meet?
It’s best to meet where the pets will be during our service. This is typically your home for pet sitting, dog walking, and overnights. It will allow us to tour the home, see where the feeding stations are, medications, check out fish tanks, bird cages, or any other pets that will be in the home. Plants too! We’ll need to know where the cleaning supplies are, leashes, litter boxes, extra water bowls, poop bags, brooms, and many more! Most importantly we’ll be able to start a bond with your baby(ies). — We’ve had over 400 meet n greets in the past 7 years and every single one of them (minus boarding clients and a few others) we’ve come into the house, said “HI” to the new clients and sat right on the floor to bond with the babies!!!! It’s just our thing, our M.O. lol!
Will I be able to meet our sitter and when is a good time to meet?
Most definitely! Your lead sitter/walker will be there and so will I. We have a team that works closely as back ups to back ups but it’s important that you meet the lead professional. Your lead sitter/walker will be the professional that is first in line to care for your babies, we DO however keep other sitters in line as a back up and yes this does include me =)
We try to be flexible with the meet n greet times, it depends on your schedule and what you are able to fit in. We will work around your schedule of course keeping in mind that our professionals do have days off. This is why it’s important to plan (at least) a few weeks ahead of the requested service.
Do you need anything from me?
Yes please. We’ll definitely need two house keys, and if there’s a key pad or code we’ll need at least one back up key in case the battery dies or for some reason it fails.
We’ll also need you to have treats readily available for us to hand out if your fur baby is nervous. We prefer to use yours rather than inadvertently handing out a treat that triggers an allergic reaction.
We’ll also ask that you double check your profile in the scheduling system (Time To Pet) you registered on. The more information you give us the better we’ll be able to step into your shoes in case of an emergency.
And please, have a list of questions or concerns you may have. We’ll be happy to go over them with you!
NOW, I will ask one more thing of you. PLEASE do not be alarmed if we get all googoo and the baby talk comes out when we meet your pet. We are professionals but our passion does over ride the professionalism occasionally (ok, maybe more than that)! It’s something we have not been able to tame, though you can be assured: A Pet CPR & First Aid trained, professional sitter/walker will be very happy to care for the kiddos with the best training and knowledge we can offer!
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