Spring In San Diego- Dangers to be aware of

Keeping your furbabies happy and healthy in the Spring in San Diego- Dangers to be aware of.

Ah yes, springtime has finally arrived in San Diego! The flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising, and holidays are being celebrated. Many of us look forward to this exciting time of the year- our pets too! Longer, brighter days could mean more trips to the dog parks and more opportunities for walking. Can I get a woof woof?! With all the fun and exciting things happening, it is important to be mindful of the dangers that also sprung with Spring. As pet owners and lovers we must constantly be aware of these risks occurring both inside and outside of our homes.

Easter Lilies
A popular gift when it comes to this holiday. Yes- they may be beautiful but these plants/flowers are not safe for cats. In fact, they are extremely dangerous and toxic to our furbabies. Cats are curious animals- and if there are life-threatening plants or flowers in the house, such as lilies, then they will find a way to get to them-even in the most hidden or secretive spots. They are not worth the risk of your kitty going into kidney failure and possible death.

Chocolate Bunnies
It’s a given that almost every Easter basket will have a chocolate bunny wrapped inside of it! Easter is a huge holiday for chocolates and the Easter bunny tends to leave kids with tons of chocolate. When it comes to our pets, chocolate should always be out of reach and never ever ingested. As many of us know, chocolate is deadly to our beloved fur children, so it is extremely important to keep any chocolate far, far out of reach.

BEE Aware
Since the weather is getting warmer, the buzzing is only getting louder. Bees will be hanging out in and around bushes or flowers. Sometimes we don’t even see them- it’s as if they come flying full speed out of nowhere! As JLP dog walkers, we know that dogs are naturally curious and gravitate towards bushes to sniff all the new smells of the season. However, it is an important part of our job to ALWAYS be on the lookout for bees and to never let the pups get too close to bushes or flowers. Some pets are allergic to bee stings- if you witness or suspect your pet got stung then please seek immediate medical attention.

As a San Diego dog walking/pet sitting company, the dangers of rattlesnakes is not a surprise. They are common and with thewarmer weather creeping up, so are they. The JLP team is always on guard and paying close attention to the environment when walking dogs or even during playtime in a fenced backyard. Sometimes snakes are easily spotted, but other times they blend in and are hard to see in the grass. Whether you’re taking your pup on a hiking trail, playing fetch in the yard, or walking through the neighborhood, please always be aware of snakes. If bitten, stay calm and bring your pet to the closest animal hospital right away.


Spring Cleaning
It’s that time of the year again where many of us start to give our homes that long awaited, deep cleaning that it deserves. More cleaning means more potentially harmful chemicals in the air. Certain harsh ingredients in some cleaners are unsafe for our pets that ingest or come in contact with them. Please watch out for these common, harmful chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, phthalates, glycol ethers, and many more. Consider safer, more natural options that are just as effective! A fun little DIY cleaner I always have on hand is a spray bottle with:

Distilled white vinegar
Warm distilled water
A few drops of Lemon essential oil

It will have your house smelling clean and keeping your pet healthy. ☺

This is an exciting, happy time of the year so lets keep our furbabies as safe as can be! Always be aware and keep an eye out for any concerning symptoms or changes. Please remember to have the number of your closest Vet handy at all times in case of any emergencies.


Written by Jill, Pet Care Professional, JenLovesPets




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