Activities during quarantine

Hello all. The JLP team and I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy during these trying times. We find these recent days have been filled with anxiety, fear, and panic. Not to mention a lot of us found ourselves thrown into new routines and lifestyles due to having to stay home. Also, we find ourselves quarantining or adhering to the stay in place orders based on your state of residence. With these new changes many of us are cooped up in the house, and ultimately may be suffering from cabin fever. I figured this would be a good time to focus on some activities to do outdoors or indoors to combat that wretched cabin fever while obtaining social distancing guidelines.

Let’s start with some outdoor activities. The outdoors gives you a breath of fresh air, especially if you love to workout or take a stroll. This even may be a time to start a new hobby, such as running. Taking a run can relieve a lot of tension and stress by releasing those feel good endorphins. Of course, always make sure to practice social distancing when enjoying outdoor activities. Also, doing some outdoor workouts. Like a fun HIIT circuit (high intensity interval training), this is a good quick way to burn some calories or stress. Or you can slow it down and do some outdoor yoga or Pilates. There are many exercises that would be suitable for outside or if you have a gym in the garage. Taking a stroll is a good way to get some exercise if you need something that’s more relaxed and at a slower pace. Gardening, whether building one in the backyard or adding some potted plants to your patio. Now, it’s best to avoid stores unless it’s essential and plants aren’t necessarily an essential but there are great online resources you can always buy from. Ordering from small local businesses helps to support them during this time. Yardwork, garage organizing, or tiding up the patio are also great activities to do, not only do they keep you active they also help you do some spring cleaning. Always remember to follow your states guidelines when enjoying outdoor activities, always obtain social distancing to keep yourself safe and healthy.

Now time for some indoor activities. Number one on the list is…. Spring Cleaning! This is the perfect time to get some organizing done and to get rid of things that you no longer need that you can donate when the distancing ends. Doing some deep cleaning as well, cleaning baseboards, making sure dryers are clean of lint, washer machines disinfected, dishwasher sanitized and so much more. This is even a great time for those home improvement projects, like getting that wall patched, painting, or refurbishing furniture that you’ve been meaning to get done. Just like outdoors you can also do some indoor workouts. There are a lot of great online resources for body weight workouts if you do not own any weights, or gym equipment. Again, it’s a great way to stay active especially for those who are gym goers who now find their gym routine out of sorts, and to keep the stress of everything at bay. This could be a good time to hone-in on new crafts such as sewing, knitting, painting, drawing, and more.  Especially if you have kids this is the best time to get creative! There are endless possibilities. Doing a puzzle as a family, or baking some cookies, or learning to play video games with the kids. Learning new recipes or even taking time to cook more homecooked meals. If you live by yourself this is a great time to find new things that you want to expand on such as skills or hobbies. Taking this time to focus on what makes you happy. Also staying connected with family and friends, especially if you’re a social butterfly and may be struggling during this time. You can call or facetime your closest family and friends, stay connected and enjoy of cup of joe while you conversate. Even try forming new friendships on social media. There are a lot of avenues for social activities online such as a Netflix watch party, where you can watch a movie with your families and friends by streaming it together. You can do a Zoom call with your friends, talk and enjoy a glass of wine or a beer with them. If you’re a married couple, take this time to reconnect and find new interests that you can enjoy together. But don’t forget to take time for yourself, if that’s relaxing spa time in the tub or reading a good book. This can break up any tension of being quarantined together for a long time. If you have a family with kids, this is a great time to take time to have family bonding by doing fun and creative activities. Such as cooking as a family, playing video games, having a movie night filled with all the movie theater goodies, and so much more. I love to use Pinterest for lots of idea’s on absolutely everything. There is so much one can do, just have to get creative and most importantly stay sane during this time.

Although the world is in a scary place right now, we must do our best to stay positive and look at all the positives that can come out of this experience. This time shall pass, and we will all come out stronger, not just as individuals but as a community. We must do our part to stay healthy and keep our distance until this is all over. Hopefully this blog gives you and your family some ideas to stay busy and have fun. May you all stay healthy and safe.



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