Holiday Puppy, now what?!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for gift giving! No matter if you celebrate the end of the year holidays or not you may be tempted to buy a puppy as a gift. As we’ve stated before HERE puppies aren’t the best gifts especially without a lot of debating and discussion BUT it’s also the BEST gift ever for the informed recipient

That puppy will turn your once calm and peaceful home into chaos really quick! To ensure no “buyers remorse” follow these tips:

Crate Training

Can be heartbreaking at first but is a life-saver in the near future. Start this immediately! Feeding in the crate, offering treats while in the crate. Leaving the crate door open for baby so they can have easy access is great as well.

I like to have the crate near my room but not exactly inside the room. Mainly so the hubs and I don’t wake the baby up during late night trips to the bathroom. But if the crate is near my room I can hear when the baby starts to whine (eventually you learn the potty whine) and I can take them outside.

Remember crate training is a good thing but you know that saying “too much of a good thing aint so good!” Ok, ya that’s my modified saying. But it’s true…a young puppy can’t stay in the crate all night and day while you’re at work. JenLovesPets can help with that 😁 We’re able to work with each client’s needs and modify each schedule to assist in new puppy needs. 💜


Feeding Schedule& Potty Schedule

Every time a puppy eats puppy will need to potty. Every time a puppy drinks a good amount of water, the puppy needs to potty. The younger the puppy the sooner after eating and drinking the puppy will need to go. As they age the time increases. I usually say- from 5ish minutes to 30ish minutes after eating/drinking plan on taking the puppy out to potty.

(TIP: Pick up baby and take outside, this is quicker and puppy bladder isn’t trained well enough so accident’s tend to occur if you walk puppy out)

Always give a small treat while saying “Good Potty” and praise and celebrate the puppy for doing good.

Routine: Alarm goes off- don’t get coffee, don’t brush teeth, don’t pass go. Go straight to the puppy, pick up out of the crate and take it outside to potty. (If you’re like me and MUST potty first, make it quick.) Have a potty party immediately afterwards. That’s after puppy potties not you. LOL!
Now it’s feeding time for the puppy. Don’t forget, pick up puppy and take outside immediately afterwards. Sometimes puppies don’t potty because they’re too distracted, give them 10/15minutes and remind them to “Go potty”. If puppy hasn’t pottied after 15m, place back in crate for 5ish minutes then repeat until the puppy potties. Don’t forget if you use treats as a reward this seems to aid in quicker training. If you want to up the game, clicker training with treats is even better!

Puppies under 4 months need 4 meals a day so you’ll repeat the feeding schedule each time. Pick up after eating and take outside. At four months you can move to 3 meals a day and as the puppy’s bladder control increases you can walk on leash outside. At six months most pups can move to 2 meals a day.

Puppies fill our hearts quickly but we usually have no clue how our lives get turned around and having a team to help when needed is ideal. Don’t be shy on hiring a dog walker and pet sitter before needed. You never know what life can throw at you, so being prepared relieves the stress. You want to hire a professional, one that has backup to back up so you never have to struggle with coverage. Make sure the professional is licensed to do business, is insured, and bonded. You want to make sure that the professional has standing in the community and is well known. And most importantly loves your baby as much as you do. Ok, almost as much. 😍

JenLovesPets has been in business since 2010 and with over 1000 puppies cared for we can help! Please register HERE and you’re just a few steps away from having a professional team care for your baby.


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