About Jen

Jennifer TaylorJennifer Taylor managed almost 1 million square feet of commercial biotech properties with the leading REIT company for the life science industry. While climbing the corporate ladder she had to have an emergency surgery, months later was struck with auto immune problems forcing her to go on disability unable to work, barely able to get out of bed much less function.

During the recovery of her surgery Brezzi found Jennifer and her family. Being an avid cat “worshipper” she never thought of having a dog, She loved them, as she loves all animals but was definitely a cat person. Until Brezzi locked eyes with her. Even though she could barely walk due to the surgery, she asked to see this big slightly chaotic chocolate Labrador puppy and as she chewed on Dwayne, her husbands ankles, her fingers, and Dishion her son’s shoes Jennifer felt a connection like never before and was deeply in love. They left that afternoon, and every time she closed her eyes she saw Brezzi’s eyes. The next day the entire family picked up Brezzi, without any knowledge of how ill she’d soon become and how much Brezzi would be a part of Jennifer’s healing journey.

AngelAngel, a Maine Coon, has been with the Taylors since Dishion’s, Jennifer son’s 7th birthday, had nothing to do with Brezzi at first. However eventually they became tolerant of each other and were like two passing ships in the evening. The Taylor home was now complete….or so they thought.

While on disability and trying to survive health wise Jennifer would take Brezzi to the dog park. The only time she forgot about her physical issues was at the Rancho Penasquitos Dog Park with Brezzi and their dog park friends. One day while standing in the middle of the park watching her friends dogs play with Brezzi Jennifer wondered if she could do this for a living. It brought joy to her, watching these furkids romp around. Sbe wondered if she could make caring for pets a career? Jennifer went home googled and found Pet Sitters International (PSI) the world’s largest educational association for pet sitters.Brezzi

It was with PSI that Jennifer learned the basics of caring for other’s furkids as a professional pet sitter. She eventually took her Certified Professional Pet Sitter exam am now a proud CPPS.

HoboAlong the way of her business journey Jennifer met a beautiful family that had come across difficult times and was looking for a loving home for their furkid Hobo, a westie maltese mix. Telling them she’ll help find a home for Hobo and decided to “foster” him for a few weeks to get to know him as it would help “sell” his personality. Two days into the temporary foster situation the Taylor’s decided to keep him if his parents would allow. Thankfully, all along they wished the Taylors would be his new family! And so the Taylor family was now: Jennifer, hubby Dwayne, son Dishion, Angel the Maine Coon, Brezzi the chocolate Lab, and Hobo the westie/maltese.

TangoAnd then Jennifer saw #A1392202 online at a shelter, an extremely thin malnourished 6 month old Rottweiler up for adoption at the shelter in north county. Went to see him, and the lady at the front desk said “Are you sure? He’s sick and is aggressive!” Being that Jennifer volunteered at another shelter for a little bit and walked “aggressive” dogs she its something she had to see for herself. Jennifer called her husband and told him the situation and he stated, “If anyone can help him it would be us, bring him home. His name is Tango.” Walking to the back with a gentleman, Jennifer watched him hunched over and overly cautious try to get Tango out of the kennel making the rottie fearful so he started to growl. Jennifer coaxed and talked to the rot, walked him around and the most playful sweet dog emerged. They walked past the lady at the front she said “oh, He’s Not Aggressive AT ALL!” Jennifer smiled and brought Tango home to his new family.

BellaYears later, enter Bella a 3 pound Chihuahua. Her family felt she needed a more suitable home and asked if the Taylor’s would take her. Jennifer was googoo over Bella the first time they met and jumped at the idea, Dwayne ok’d it, Dishion rolled his eyes…but he quickly fell in love with the small bundle of love. She’s tiny, very tiny but is a thief and will steal your heart before you know it!

After years of running a successful, professional pet sitting company Jennifer felt there was something missing. She spent many a hour studying the ins and out of pet care and was Red Crossed CPR trained (which she wasn’t truly comfortable with the teachings). she would instinctively go over and beyond for the health of her furneices and nephews with the assistance of her Reiki training that she had many years previous, but lacked a true Knowledge of Pet CPR, First Aid & Pet Care. Jennifer knew of Pet Tech thru PSI but figured it would be just like Red Cross, a basic course. Researching she found the “curriculum” quite a bit different than RC. Because of her previous “class” experience she wanted to offer a better more interactive course for the JenLovesPets clients and Rancho Penasquitos community. The difference between the two could and would save a pet’s life. She took the 3 day intense course and is now Pet Tech Instructor #1736.

Jennifer Taylor planned on climbing the corporate ladder and the universe had a different plan. When she got sick she thought life ended. With the patience of her husband and son, and the healing properties of Angel, Brezzi, Hobo, Bella and her furnieces and nephews life has just begun. She’s swears the JenLovesPets, furkids are her physical, mental, and emotional therapists and their parents are amazing family members!

Ready to Schedule JenLovesPets for your Pet Sitting Needs?

Call us: 858-205-8132 or register below

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