Pet Parent Blog

Health & care, news, reviews & stories

Holiday Inspired Dog Treat Recipe

Holiday Inspired Dog Treat Recipe

Hello all! While I was trying to think of some fun thanksgiving themed blogs, I came up with the idea of possibly sharing a yummy thanksgiving inspired holiday dog treat, but of course I am no chef or baker. Then I thought of my best friend, Alixandria Kipler. She...

Thanksgiving Pet Safety

Thanksgiving Pet Safety

Thanksgiving can be a great time to spend with our family and friends all the while reflecting on what we are thankful for. This year has been full of unexpected craziness, so why not take stock in what really matters, being around loved ones, humans, and furry...

5 Cat Products Every Cat Needs in their Life

5 Cat Products Every Cat Needs in their Life

Hello all! I hope to find you in good spirits and hope this year is starting to look up, especially with the holidays approaching. Now, I recently just bought my cats a fun new toy and it got me thinking about what else is out there for cat parents and their feline...

Getting Cats acclimated to new people and new environments

Getting Cats acclimated to new people and new environments

Whether you are working with frightened kitties getting acquainted with new people or welcoming a new cat into a new home, it is important to remember a few tips on getting your feline acclimated properly. As a refresher, the whole JLP team held a meeting to discuss...

Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween can be such an exciting and fun-filled holiday, yet there a few things to keep in mind to keep your pets safe. Beware of Halloween Candies and keep them out of reach of your pets. We need to be especially careful with chocolate because it is made from the...

Pet Halloween Costumes

Pet Halloween Costumes

Pet costumes.  What better way to get into the spirit of  Halloween and to get ready for the fall season. Sure, they may not always like it, but our pets love to make us happy and we could all use a little cuteness and laughter in our lives right now. Cats may give...

Wildfires & Pet Safety

Wildfires & Pet Safety

With these devastating wildfires running rampant,  it is important to remember a few things to be prepared in case of an emergency.  Besides being prepared for you and your family's safety, it's always a great idea to have a plan in place for your pets as well. Some...

The Pandemic and its effect on Wildlife

The Pandemic and its effect on Wildlife

More than a billion people worldwide are staying at home under guidance from their governments and socially distancing themselves from one another to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. With businesses closed and cities being emptied out, people are getting a preview...

Interview with the Vamp… Pet Parent!

Interview with the Vamp… Pet Parent!

Hello Jenlovespets Family and friends, I hope you all are doing well and are in higher spirits. This blog I decided to switch it up and interview one of my closest friends, as she is a pet parent herself. I thought it would be interesting to see how another pet parent...

Springtime Precautions

Springtime Precautions

With spring rapidly approaching, keep in mind a few things for your pet’s safety. With spring, new plants can pop up. Although many can be beautiful, be mindful of your pet’s behaviors especially when they like doing things like chewing grass. Make sure to keep an eye...

Activities during quarantine

Activities during quarantine

Hello all. The JLP team and I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy during these trying times. We find these recent days have been filled with anxiety, fear, and panic. Not to mention a lot of us found ourselves thrown into new routines and lifestyles due to having...

Top 5 best vacation spots in the US

As all of you know, we have a serious virus circulating around the world. Known as the Coronavirus. With the rising concern, it seems that overseas travels have been put on hold until the virus clears up. So, with that said I took the time to find the top 5 best...

Why you should brush your dogs teeth

Why you should brush your dogs teeth

Brushing our pet’s teeth is often overlooked and is an important part of being a pet parent. It is important to brush your dogs’ teeth, so they do not get inflammation of the gums or teeth. Keeping your pups “K-9’s “healthy is vital to their health and well-being, not...

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