Why Your Cat Kneads

Why Your Cat Kneads

Have you seen your cats knead? You may think it is rather cute seeing your feline work hard at the “biscuit factory”, but it may make you curious as to why they do it. During kneading the cat pushes in and out using their paws, alternating between left and right. Some...
Getting Cats acclimated to new people and new environments

Getting Cats acclimated to new people and new environments

Whether you are working with frightened kitties getting acquainted with new people or welcoming a new cat into a new home, it is important to remember a few tips on getting your feline acclimated properly. As a refresher, the whole JLP team held a meeting to discuss...
To declaw or not to declaw? That is the question;

To declaw or not to declaw? That is the question;

The perils of declawing I’m sure many of you when acquiring a new kitten struggle with the decision to have them declawed or not. It’s actually a more common decision than most think, some are quick to jump to declawing, in order to save their furniture. But clawing...
Which Diet is Best for your Feline?

Which Diet is Best for your Feline?

Contrary to popular belief, Cats especially need a protein forward diet, even more than dogs. That’s because cats use protein for energy when possible and need more of certain amino acids to create building blocks and fuel bodily processes. Cats usually rely on their...
I am a Black Cat

I am a Black Cat

My husband and I just recently adopted a tortoiseshell kitten, if you don’t know what that is, it’s a black cat with specks of orange and tan/white. I noticed as we were browsing all the beautiful kittens up for adoption, that there were quite a few black kittens...
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